GIF Maker Documentation


The GIF maker is a web application that allows users to create GIFs by uploading multiple images. The GIF generation process is managed through a sequence of API calls, user interactions, and state management within React components.


  • Image Uploading: Allows users to upload multiple images for GIF creation.
  • GIF Preview: Before generating the final GIF, users can preview the sequence in which images appear.
  • GIF Speed Adjustment: Users can adjust the speed of the GIF using a slider input.
  • GIF Generation: On user request, a GIF is generated from the uploaded images.
  • GIF Storage: The generated GIF is stored in a Prisma/Planetscale database.
  • GIF Library: Users can view all saved GIFs in a grid format, with the option to delete any GIF.

Technical Components:


State Variables:
  • urls: Stores the URLs of uploaded images.
  • generatedGif: Stores the URL of the generated GIF.
  • error: Stores any error message.
  • currentIndex: Tracks the current image index for GIF preview.
  • gifSpeed: Stores the speed of the GIF.
  • handleError: Handles and displays error messages.
  • isValidUrl: Checks if a string is a valid URL.
  • handleSpeedChange: Updates the GIF speed based on slider input.
  • handleFinish: Appends newly uploaded URLs to the urls state variable.
  • clearData: Clears stored image URLs and generated GIF.
  • generateGif: Initiates the GIF generation process.


  • sharp-gif: Used for image processing.
  • node-fetch: Used for making fetch requests.
  • sharp: Used for image resizing.
  • PrismaClient: Used for database interactions.
  • handler: API route to handle GIF generation.


State Variables:
  • gifs: Stores an array of saved GIFs from the database.
  • fetchGifs: Fetches all GIFs from the API and sets the state.
  • handleDelete: Deletes a GIF from the database and updates the local state.

Database Schema (Prisma):

Datasource Configuration:

Provider: MySQL
Connection URL: Sourced from environment variable DATABASE_URL.
Relation Mode: Prisma

Model: Gif

id: An auto-incremented primary key.
url: A nullable string that stores the URL of the GIF. It has a unique constraint, ensuring no two GIFs have the same URL.
gifData: A nullable field of type Bytes. It maps to a BLOB in MySQL, suitable for storing binary data, such as the content of GIF images.
createdAt: A timestamp indicating when the GIF record was created. It defaults to the current time.

User Flow:

  • User navigates to the gif-maker.tsx page.
  • User uploads multiple images via a standard file upload process. The system allows these images to be previewed sequentially to ensure they are in the desired order.
  • User adjusts the GIF speed using a slider, allowing them to visually control the animation speed.
  • Upon clicking ‘ Generate GIF ‘, the user triggers an API call that sends the images to the server.
  • The gif.ts handler processes the images, generates a GIF, and saves it in the database. This happens in the background, and the user is notified upon completion.
  • The generated GIF‘s URL is displayed to the user, providing a direct link to view or download the GIF.
  • User can navigate to the library.tsx page to view all saved GIFs in a visually appealing grid format. They also have the option to delete any unwanted or outdated GIFs.

Future Recommendations:

  • User Authentication: Implement user authentication to allow users to have their own private library of GIFs.
  • Search and Filter: In the library, provide search and filter functionalities for better management of GIFs.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Ensure the application is fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices.
  • Enhanced Error Handling: Implement more robust error handling and user feedback mechanisms.
  • GIF Editing: Allow users to edit existing GIFs, such adding captions, adding effects, or resizing images. Also, the application only accepts images larger than 1 MB in size, this can be enhanced to allow for much larger images.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Sharp-gif
  • Node.js
  • Planetscale (Prisma Database)
  • Vercel